Now everybody knows that OpenAI has a tool available that can watermark the text created through it but doesn’t want to use it for over a year The Wall Street Journal found out about it and now everybody knows that OpenAI should have done it a responsible thing but then why would anyone use it which will hurt OpenAI’s bottom line and so they refused to use it.
AI detection works by making sure that they work out which is the next word predicted by their model and Google already has that in place when it does Google Gemini whether it is used to indicate the next word in text or the video made using Gemini which is why most users would not use Gemini which is detectable by Google itself can detect its own AI when using it for text in Google search engine and Youtube but then why would anyone use it and that’s why everyone went ahead and used OpenAI.
Teachers are the ones who would have used an AI detection tool and in the survey that OpenAI did people with a level of 4 to 1 wanted that AI detection tool as found out by Wall Street Journal.
After being found out by Wall Street Journal and Techcrunch it would take the OpenAI out of hiding and it confirmed that it has a tool that is 99.9% effective that can detect the AI text generated by ChatGPT however that detection fails because you can use another rewrite model to rewrite the text written by ChatGPT which it claims is bad actors but is world known as of using Humanize AI. Of the people who use it 30 percent of those have confirmed that they would not use Open AI because the majority of 200 Million users of OpenAI come for using it to write articles to make money from Google or Youtube as OpenAI has gladly served as making Blackhat as the real hat while blocking the hell out of whitehat stuff like that written on this website.
Most employees know that it is the right thing to do and they support OpenAI doing it but that doesn’t mean OpenAI would do it as its 86 Billion comes from convincing everyone to see AI-written articles the world over which are rewritten by Humanize and then Google is unable to detect unless they manually do it after sometimes they end up writing 1 Million articles through AI and help sites written like mine give it a chance Google